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Monday, August 12, 2013


Bad blogger, I missed my weekly results on Friday. Let's just say that there was a zero change from the week before, and we'll move on. I crack down again starting tomorrow!

And now for some fun stuff!

"If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!"

Have You Ever?
 1. Jumped out of an airplane?  No, but this is something that I've totally considered, even though I'm afraid of heights.
2. Lived alone?  Yup, I've lived solo in my condo for the past six years. That seems to be slowly changing with my current boyfriend. It's only a matter of time before he moves in, I think.
3. Met a celebrity? Yup, a few!  And of course,  I can't think of most of them off the top of my head. Mostly it's been musicians - Chris Isaak, Shawn Mullins, Jennifer Nettles. I know there's been more, but I'm drawing a blank right now.
4. Said something to someone that you immediately regret saying? Yes, though not as much as I used to. I've learned to think before I blurt things out now, especially if I'm angry.
5. Had a manicure/pedicure? Just had one a few weeks ago. It's flip-flop season!
6.  Gotten a hickey? Yes, a long time ago. It's on the no-no list, as in "do not do this to me, we are not teenagers".
7. Owned a pet that was not a dog or a cat?  I've only ever had non-cat and non-dog pets. My pet of choice is a rabbit. And right now I'm outnumbered 3-1.
8. Been outside of your home country?  Yes! I love to travel. I hit Italy two years ago, and in less than 8 weeks, my BFF and I will be in Greece!
9. Kissed your best friend? Chaste kisses, yes. Who hasn't smooched their bff on the cheek or quick peck hi or by on the lip?  Or is it just me?  LOL.
10. Eaten food that fell on the floor?  Three second rule, people. Unless there's rabbit fur on it, then it goes in the trash or to the bunnies, if it's a veggie.
11. Met someone online? Yes. I have an online journal, and have several really good friends from that, that I've known for years. Also, I met my boyfriend online. 
12. Been on TV?  I got interviewed by a news station once, but I have no idea whether they aired it or not.
13. Had braces?  Thankfully, no. I have a small overbite, but nothing that's ever needed correcting.
14. Gone skinny dipping?  nope. I've gone swimming in my bra and panties, but not stark naked.
15. Been to the opera? Not sure, but I'll go with no. I used to go to a private school, and they used to take us to a lot of performances in Boston, so I might have been at one, but don't recall it.
16. Been caught making out by a policeman?  Nope.
17. Sung in public? Just in school musicals or performances, part of a chorus thing. I really don't have a voice that people are dying to hear, and I try not to subject people to it.
18. Handed out candy on Halloween? Yup, since I bought my place, I have.
19. Been snowed in? Of course - I live in MA. There are many a snow day up here. Thankfully I can work from home on snowy days, and slowly shovel my place out. And thankfully Neighbor Brian helped shovel me out when we got a huge 2+ foot snowstorm this past winter. That would've sucked without the help.
20. Fallen in front of other people? Oh yes, I'm clumsy. I fall a lot.
21. Cheated on a test? Probably. I pretty much cheated all through chemistry in HS, and I'm sure that included tests.
22. Regretted saying “I love you” to someone? I guess I don't regret ever saying it. I'm just more careful about saying it now. You live, you learn.
23. Finished a meal in a restaurant and realized that you didn’t have your wallet? Thank goodness, no!
24. Shot a gun? nope.
25. Heard a song that was written for (or about) you? Nope. Which is sad, since I dated a couple of musicians/writers, bah.

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