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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

FMM 09/16/13

I really do mean to get back here and write, and talk about my weight loss and all that good stuff. Life just keeps getting in the way. For now - still status quo. I'm still down the 16+ lbs, but I haven't lost any more weight in the past month. I'm still calling it a win. For now, I've decided that I'm just going to worry about maintaining it until I get back from vacation in mid-October, and then buckle down again. 

"If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section here at: so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!"

This week's topic is very timely, since I've been dating a great guy for the past two months!  I've never been so happy, as I've been with him. And dating him has made me realize a lot of things. 

Relationships and Dating

1.  List five characteristics that you think are important in a significant other.  Until meeting P, I don't think I would have thought of some of these. Being with him is so great - so EASY - that it's made me realize what was missing in my other relationships. My five are now: 1) Great communicator - we talk about everything, both little and small. We have no secrets (he knows the one thing that I have never ever told anyone before), and we discuss everything important.  2) Someone that makes me a priority.  I don't need to be the #1 priority in his life, but I need to be up there in the top 5. 3) Someone who takes care of me. Now, I'm fully independent, and I don't need someone to support me financially. But I do need someone that worries and cares about my well-being, same as I would do for them. 4) Someone who makes me laugh - this has always been on the list, but P just makes me laugh at everything. He calms me down, he makes me see the silly things in life. Heck, he had my laughing hysterically while we were having sex yesterday. THAT has never happened before, lol! 5) Someone who accepts me for who I am - both physically and mentally. I'm overweight, duh. P doesn't see it that way, at all. He does like a bigger girl, but he doesn't think that I am one. He loves me for who I am and how I'm shaped, but he's also willing to work with me on my goals to make me happier. He used to be a body builder, and he would love to get me to the gym to work out together - as a couple's activity, if that makes sense.  He's 100% supportive of me. 

2.  If you had to choose between staying single for the next two years (as in, no dating at all,) or receiving $10,000, which would you choose?  Huh? Should this be - stay single and get 10k or not get the money and date? I'm going with "screw the money, I want to date". I can make that money in a couple of months at my job.

3.  What is your relationship status?  Are you satisfied with it?  Well, facebook now officially states "In a relationship with P", at his request. So, I'm happily taken. I can see P being "the one".  

4.  Would you date someone who has children? Yes, I would. I don't actually want to give birth to any kids myself, I never have.  I have too many medical phobias to survive that ordeal. P doesn't have any kids, and I think he would like one or two, though he's told me he's okay with us not having any. We've even discussed adopting, if we end up beting long-term. That I would like.  

5.  Would you date someone who’s shorter than you?  I would, though I'm pretty short. Even most "short" men are taller than me. I'm 5'3" and P is 5'8".  

6.  Would you date someone who has different political views?  I would as long as 1) they weren't obnoxious about it, 2) accepted that we have differing philosophies, and 3) could have rational discussions about it. Otherwise - no.

7.  If you were going on vacation together, would you choose the beach or the mountains?I'd take either, depending on our mood, and there was no camping involved with the mountains. I don't camp. I would probably prefer the beach vacation though.  

8.  How do you show someone that you’re interested in them?  After our first date, P couldn't figure out if I actually liked him or not. And honestly, I wasn't sure if I did. So when he asked if he should stop texting me, because he thought he was bothering me, I said "well why don't you ask me out again, so we can see if we like each other?" So he did, and we went out that night, and that's when the "click" happened. 

9.  Do you prefer to date people who are older than you or younger?  I would say same age or older. But I've never actually dated someone younger.  P is a whopping  months older than me, but I've dated people 7+ years older than me.  

10.  Share some details of your dream date.  Funny, because P always asks me what I feel like doing, and I don't really care.  I just like spending time with him, and I don't care what we do.  I'm a complete introvert, and a homebody, so I usually just go for whatever he suggests.  I think it may drive him batty, but he always thinks of something fun to do. I'm honestly pretty low-maintenance. Going to a movie, or going to hear a band play, and I'm content. Or staying in and lounging on the couch watching tv  (movie or football or just junk tv) and taking afternoon naps are also equally appealing.  

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